Thursday, May 26, 2011

Get your eyes a makeover!

If you haven't tried "THE" Eye Crème from Benedetta, you don't really know what good eye crème can do!  

Whether you're already in love with our amazing eye crème, or want desperately to find one that covers it all in one concentrated batch (puffiness, dark circles, and wrinkles), buy some over the Memorial Day weekend to save 20%: 
Use Coupon Code*: eyes2020

Buy online at  
or pick up a bottle at one of our retail spaces:

San Francisco Ferry Building Marketplace, #39

Santa Monica Place in The Market, 3rd Floor 

*Offer not valid on wholesale orders.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What makes your brand unique?

Benedetta has pioneered, farm-sourced skin care, a term I have coined to describe our seed to bottle concept. Since our products hit the shelves in 1996, Benedetta has never used parabens, petrochemicals, or chemical preservatives. We have supported and used certified Organic and Biodynamic® ingredients, decades before the “trend”.

Benedetta maintains and is committed to authentically formulated (not copied) formulas. 92-100% of all our ingredients are Certified Organic, Biodynamic®, Eco- harvested and 100% Sustainable. Benedetta has been a voice for sustainability and has consistently used post-consumer glass in our products. Our one plastic bottle is a non-leaching, non-estrogen-disrupter plastic used with our Sacred Soap.

Last year we introduced the MIRON glass to the line. No light can penetrate this deep violet glass, allowing each preparation a more energetic composition and profile! In addition, I have always formulated looking first at the synergies of botanicals and how they best resonate with the skin’s ability to utilize them, regenerate, and balance.

These are not marketing terms to me, they are thoughtful, authentic realities created from my heart to yours. Creating Benedetta is a service first and a business second.

Whether Benedetta is perfect for you or not, the greatest intention comes in its formulation. Literally, I personally prepare each batch for every product. We make everything in small batches, in a clean environment, and use Biodynamic® principles in formulation.   

I was not trained in cosmetic chemistry nor did I solicit the help of chemists to create the line. With the study of botanical chemistry, nutrition, botany, anatomy, and aromatherapy, along with intuition, I create Benedetta Holistic Skin Care.

In addition, it has been my experience in the many years in business that the majority of successful skin care companies both small and corporate large, start from marketing FIRST, product development SECOND. Know any celebrities with a skin care line?!

I saw a need and met the challenge.

From My Heart To Yours,
Julia Faller